A common problem in computer science is selecting the $k$ largest (or smallest) elements from an unsorted list containing $n$ elements. The most commonly implemented solution is far from optimal. This post describes a better way.
The problem is a form of partition-based selection. For example, when computing k-nearest-neighbour distances, we first calculate all the pairwise distances between samples, then for each sample we select the $k$ closest distances. In R this is implemented too often as
which is correct but does not scale well. It sorts the entire vector dists
before selecting the first $k$ elements. As the number of elements $n$ grows
this is inefficient as the sort()
call runs in $\mathcal{O}(n \log n)$ time.
Partition-based selection algorithms do not sort the entire list nor the
selected elements. They run in $\mathcal{O}(n + k \log k)$ resulting in savings
of a factor of $\log n$.
The statistical programming language R has an inbuilt and under-appreciated partial sorting implementation that can help tremendously. We showcase, benchmark and discuss this functionality here.
Set up
Load the necessary packages.
Configure plots and seed RNG.
Set parameters.
n <- 3000 # Number of samples
k <- 20 # How many to select
zoom.margin <- 10 # Margin for zoomed-in plot
An example
Just to demonstrate what R’s partial sorting implementation does, we generate some test samples.
x <- rnorm(n = n) # samples
R’s standard sort
function takes a partial
argument specifying the indexes
at which you wish the vector to be partitioned. Here we want to select the
smallest $k$ elements so we have just one such index, $k$ itself.
x_selected <- sort(x, partial = k)
We plot the selected array to show that every element beneath the $k$’th is indeed smaller than the $(k+1)$’th.
gp <-
qplot(1:n, x_selected) +
geom_vline(xintercept = k, linetype = 2) +
geom_hline(yintercept = x_selected[k], linetype = 2)
Zoom in to the detail around the $k$’th element.
gp +
xlim(k - zoom.margin, k + zoom.margin) +
ylim(x_selected[k - zoom.margin], x_selected[k + zoom.margin])
Here we use the microbenchmark
package to show how much quicker
partition-based selection is than full sorting. Note we also test finding the
largest $k$ elements (sort(x, partial = length(x) - k)
sort(x, partial = k),
sort(x, partial = length(x) - k),
## Unit: microseconds
## expr min lq mean median
## sort(x, partial = k) 48.626 50.6075 54.18525 53.0365
## sort(x, partial = length(x) - k) 46.398 48.2705 51.06711 50.1240
## sort(x) 151.349 153.8045 161.37612 156.5275
## uq max neval cld
## 54.9455 101.500 100 a
## 52.3850 73.985 100 a
## 158.7200 284.841 100 b
The running time should be linear in $n$. We define a function to time the partition-based selection.
time_partial_sort <- function(n) {
samples_n <- samples[1:n]
then = proc.time()
sort(samples_n, partial = k)
return(proc.time() - then)
We choose 50 problem sizes ($n$) ranging from 100,000 to 100,000,000.
problem_sizes <- round(10^(seq(5, 8, length.out = 50)))
Sample data to test with.
samples <- rnorm(n = max(problem_sizes))
Time the partition-based selection.
timings <-
t(sapply(problem_sizes, time_partial_sort)) %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
mutate(n = problem_sizes)
Plot the elapsed times. We observe a linear relationship between the running time and $n$.
ggplot(timings, aes(x = n, y = elapsed)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = 'lm')
Frequently we are interested not in the values of the $k$ smallest elements but
their indexes. Unfortunately R’s sort()
will not let us retrieve these
indexes as the index.return = TRUE
parameter is not compatible with the
sort(x, partial = k, index.return = TRUE)
## Error in sort.int(x, na.last = na.last, decreasing = decreasing, ...): unsupported options for partial sorting
One possible solution is to find the $k$’th largest element by partition-based selection and then to run through the data again to locate those elements that are less than or equal to it.
kth <- sort(x, partial = k)[k]
## [1] -2.642236
indexes <- which(x <= kth)
## [1] 74 82 305 335 347 509 594 656 744 1093 1384 1512 2003 2103
## [15] 2403 2494 2512 2638 2736 2815
## [1] -2.664565 -2.645308 -2.801753 -2.642236 -3.058703 -2.997622 -2.690972
## [8] -3.167249 -2.934196 -2.656970 -2.685767 -2.647660 -3.342775 -4.279542
## [15] -2.984152 -3.673439 -2.849113 -2.884244 -3.026133 -3.874028
Note this does not deal with ties when there is more than one $k$’th smallest element. This still has running time $\mathcal{O}(n + k \log k)$ but with a worse constant and memory requirements.
A more sophisticated approach could build upon this Rcpp example.